Annual Agenda for the 2001 WAF


 Mr. General Secretary of WAF, Willy Deneumostier;

 Please find the following agenda for this year's annual Congress meeting. I ask that you forward it to all member countries and interested parties. Included in this year's agenda under business, we wish to sincerely discuss the unification issue that we have been trying to resolve for several years. As this will be likely a very busy topic, we ask all countries who wish to speak to this topic, to prepare their thoughts and suggestions and to keep it to a maximum of 5 minutes to allow everyone to have a say in this very important matter. Once we have heard from everyone we can debate this and make a clear democratic decision. If member countries have other issues that they would like to include in the agenda, to please forward them to you Willy, with a copy to me.

Thank you and see you in Poland.
a) Affiliation of new members.

b) The approval of the reports of the President, Vice-presidents,
 General Secretary, Treasurer, Referee and sub-committee members.

 c) The filling in of any existing vacancies on the WAF Executive

 d) Selection of location of WAF world championship, other sanctioned
 championships and seminars.

 e) Modification of statutes, bylaws and rules.

 f) New business presented by affiliated member organizations.

 g) Review of audited accounts.

 h) Appointment of auditors.


Fred Roy

WAF President



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