2000 Utah State Games Armwrestling Tournament

Cedar City, Utah 6/10/00

Mens Masters Right Hand 199+: Troy Campbell, Joseph

Mens Novice Right Hand 0-154: Brett Ortega, Cedar City

Mens Novice Right Hand 177-198: Kody Asbury, Randy Viverds, Troy Keel, Tommy Giles

Mens Novice Right Hand 199+: Tim Stapleton, Tony Cmpagni, Troy Campbell, Dave Doxey

Mens Left Hand 0-132: Jesse Campbell

Mens Left Hand 133-176: Ryan Holding, Mark Dye, Jesse Campbell

Mens Left Hand 177-198: Kevin Bongard, Kyle Stoor, Jim Richards

Mens Left Hand 199-242: Robert Baxter, Mike Salsbury

Mens Left Hand 243+: Kevin Bongard, Kody Merritt, Kyle Stoor

Ladies Right Hand 0-143: Nina Potratz, Cariline Ortega

Ladies Right Hand 144+: Nina Potratz, Mindy Case, Tracy Garrett

Mens Right Hand 0-154: Mark Dye, Brett Ortega

Mens Right Hand 155-176: John Montgomery, Ryan Holding, Mark Dye, Ray Meide

Mens Right Hand 177-198: Kevin Bongard, John Montgomery, Jim Richards, Kyle Stoor

Mens Right Hand 199-242: Robert Baxter, Kyle Stoor, Tim Stapleton, Ray Meide

Mens Right Hand 243+: John Brzenk, Joedee Asbury, Kody Merritt, Kody Asbury



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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