United States ArmSports is an organization formed to finally unite the armwrestling and wristwrestling organizations in the United States. The ultimate goal of this neutral organization is unification and to have our sport accepted for competition in the Olympic Games. One of the major factors holding the United States back from participation in the Olympics is that we are not unified under one organization. We are in the process of solving that issue now. This umbrella organization is United States ArmSports (here-in-after referred to as USA). New associations are joining daily. It is important to note that the individual organizations do not have to give up their identity to participate in this great move to unification.

The benefits to independent organizations who become members of USA are:

1. There are no costs involved to be a member of USA.

2. The USA will not interfere with the running of the association or its tournaments.

3. The web site of United States ArmSports (http://www.armwrestling.com) can be used by the association in the promotion of all tournaments and recognition of outstanding athletes and individuals contributing to the sport. This site has over 400,000 hits per month and went online beginning in April of 1996.

4. USA is the largest and dominate organization in America. USA and its member organizations are the driving force for the sport in the United States.

5. Each member association can hold a qualifying tournament in which their winners will advance to a Unified National Championships. There has never been a true United States National championship until now.

6. The member associations will have the opportunity to bid on hosting the annual Unified National Championship.

7. It gives the USA and its members, power as a group to expedite the acceptance of ArmSports into the Olympics.

You may not be aware that armsports has already been submitted to the Olympic Committee for consideration into the Olympics. One reason it was refused entrance was due to the lack of unification in the United States. There were too many different organizations and no unity. Before armsports can be considered for competition the associations in the United States must be consolidated under one umbrella organization. The USA will solve the problem of unification. A number of countries have already formally recognized armsports as an Olympic sport, Russia being the most notable. We are asking independent associations to join with us to obtain that goal.

United States ArmSports Members

Founding Members:

World's Wristwrestling Championship
 (WWC) - Dave Devoto & Bill Soberanes

International Armwrestling Federation
 (IAF)-Bill & Gerri Cox

United States Wristwrestling/Armwrestling Assn.
 (USWA/USAA) - Leonard Harkless & Denise Wattles

Member Associations:

Alaska State Armwrestling Assn. 
Mike Gribbon

ArmWorld Promotions 
Bill Collins

California State Armwrestling Assn. 
Ryan Hutchings

Illinois Arm Sports 
Tony Picchioldi

Illinois Armwrestling Association 
Jerome Moore

Indiana Armwrestling 
Tony Villa

Ironman Armwrestling Association 
Stanley Clark

Larry Ness’ Sports Marketplace, Inc. 
David VanLandingham

Mainstreet Armwrestling 
Mike Bowling

Midwest Armwrestling Association 
Tony Cooke

Midwestern Armwrestling 
Michael Drew

Northern Arms 
Joe Howe & Anthony Carro

"Over The Top" Armwrestling 
Gino D Camelli

Pennsylvania Armwrestling Assn 
Robert Stanger

Southern California Arm Wrestling Assn. 
Deena Corbett-Wolf

Southern States Armwrestling Association
Michael Todd

Steel City Gym Armwrestling 
Jeff Byrum

Utah Armsport Association 
Troy Easton

Dirty Dealer Ent.L.L.C. - Fire Up Thundr Out
            Howard Clifton

Disabled ArmSports for the Physically Challenged
     Alan & Phyllis Bown

There are others now considering becoming members of USA and still others contacting us for information. USA is already the largest and dominate organization in America and together we shall achieve our goals. For more information call Dave Devoto at (707) 537-7373 or Leonard Harkless at (406) 245-1560.



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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