
I was looking at your last comments, and i feel that i (we) went too far on our own assault towards each other. Looking at the last few letters i see that it had gotten to be a war of words and we ventured away from the original comments by me, about using foul language. That was my only complaint about you. i was only offended by the language and image i felt would dampen the sports image. But to set things straight in the world of armwrestling, i would like to state that i am sorry to have offended you or said anything about you that would make people think wrongly of you or even me. You have done more for the sport than me based on your accomplishments, and it would be stupid for me to say you haven’t. Another thing i want to clear up is about ever armwrestling you. I will take back the things i said about taking you "Over the Top" as that was only my mouth talking and not my heart (common sense!) I was a good armwrestler, but it would be a" Highly" unlikely chance that i could ever beat you. I feel honesty is the best policy and i hope you see that i just got carried away with the excitement of talking the game. I am glad that there is a format like this on the internet (thanks to Dave Devoto) that allows us our say on the sport that we love. So, it is with all honesty that i let the other wrestler's know that i was wrong to venture off of my original complaint about the language. But, i will ask you to forgive me about the other stuff i said about you. So, I am glad you won't lose sleep over this, but its not because i dislike you. How can you dislike someone you never met? Yes, i hope after i recover fully from cancer and am able to compete again, and i don't know if you will hit the circuit again, but i hope we can be friends if we do meet....Besides, it was cool messing around with a movie star ( Ha! ) Hope this apology is well received and that points were taken well on both sides....

Good luck Big Rick Zumwalt.... from..... Sol "Arm and Hammer" Ingram



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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