Place: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

Site of the 1998 World Armwrestling Championships.

Date: Monday, October 19, 1998

09:00 to 18:00 (You are responsible for your own lunch)

Venue: Host hotel

Cost: Because this is a first time clinic, there will be no charge for those wishing to take the class. We will run the instructions based on an existing program. We will then get feed back from the member countries for their suggestions on how to improve the program and proceed from there. We hope these will become mandatory for our Master referees so that we may continually improve quality for all countries.

This clinic is an extensive course which involves video testing, written testing and a practical test. It gives instruction on drawsheets and understanding the rules.

In anticipation of some of the participants having some difficulty in the English language we will make the course as user friendly as possible. We also urge the countries who wish to participate to supply translators to help their candidates. This course is open to existing Master referees who want to improve their skills and national team coaches who want to better understand how to coach their athletes according to the rules.

Please contact Mr. Rick Pinkney at 902-864-1306 by phone or fax at 902-864-3949. Mr. Pinkney is Referee-in-Chief for Canada and the author of much of the program.

Please register at your earliest convenience. You may also send your registration to the host organizing committee.



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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