Allen Fisher returns blazing

Bill Brzenk and Dan Victor in Finals
(right hand)

Dobbs Pressley and Mike Boylan

Aaron Lengyel from Canada

Mike Boylan and Benjie Dwyer

Bill Brzenk and Jarrod Levulett

Kristine Wattles
(underpaid super worker)

Brzenk wins
(Two Brzenks John and Bill, both winners)

Mike McGraw and David Bieler

David Bieler and George Weaver

Butch McClinton

Mark Brandon

Merle Meeter
Milo Author and fierce Masters competitor

Don Moorman and Mike McGraw

Pat Brown and Jerry Barnhart


Judy Dodd left handed

Jo and Leonard

Denise Wattles directing traffic


Young Kenny Hughes

Dan Victor


The Slip

Randy Strossen

Angel Ashbey

Legend Dave Hicks and Kenny Hughes



Sherry Mundy and Carolyn Fisher



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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