Hiya Dave,

  I hope you are well and having a good day mate, just a quick note to tell yourself and the other Guys & Gals in the US that it was absolutely great to see you all again at the Lake Tahoe Event, all the pullers from Great Britain and Europe loved it in the states, it was fantastic.

 I personally love pulling in the States you guys are real Armwrestlers, pulling mad!!! And as for that Brzenk character, I would like to be able to say he was lucky or something but the fact remains that he is in fact double me at least !!!  Fair play to the man he is the best and it was nice to be able to have a crack at him.

 I hope that Armwrestling in the US grows and grows and that more and more good guys keep coming through the ranks due largely to the exceptional efforts of yourself Sir you deserve tremendous credit Dave as far as myself and the rest of the UK pullers are concerned. You have done a tremendous amount for the sport we all love. All the best to you and yours mate, and a big thanks to Leonard and Denise for organizing the event and to all the US Pullers for making me feel so at home, I'll hopefully be back next year for more,......... injuries etc. permitting. 

Thanks again Dave, and good luck with all your efforts!!!


"U.K. NATURAL " Neil Pickup 

British & European Middleweight Champion  



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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