1999 USA Unified National Armwrestling Championship Hosted by the USWA/USAASands Regency Hotel Casino 345 N. Arlington, Reno, Nevada100% Payback of Entry Fees in All Classes! *
Competition Saturday July 24, 1999 - Noon Men's and Ladies Right & Left Hand open Classes. Competition Sunday July 25, 1999 - 10AM Men's & Ladies Masters and Disabled Weight Classes. Weigh-ins: (Everyone must weigh-in, NO LATE ENTRIES) Fri. July 23, 1999 7 to 10PM OR Sat. July 24, 1999 8AM to 11AM
Weight Classes: Women's Right: 0-99, 100-110, 111-121, 122-132, 133-154, 155-176, 177+. Women's Left: 0-110, 111-132, 133-154, 155-176, 177+ Women's Masters Right: 0-132, 133+.
Men's Masters Right: 0-154, 155-176, 177-198, 199-220, 221+ Men's Left Hand: 0-110, 111-132, 133-154, 155-176, 177-198, 199-220, 221-242, 243+. Men's Right Hand: 0-110, 111-121, 122-132, 133-143, 144-154, 155-165, 166-176, 177-187, 188-198, 199-220, 221-242, 243+.
Men's Disabled Right: 0-132, 133+. Women's Disabled Right: 0-110, 111+.
Awards 1st to 4th place in all classes. Double Elimination. FREE T-SHIRT TO 1st 200 ENTRIES
CASH PRIZES; Entry fees, in each weight class, split 60% to 1st place, 40% to 2nd place in all classes including Masters and Disabled. All money won will be applied toward the airline ticket to Tokyo, Japan in December 1999 for the WAF World Armwrestling Championship. You ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND the tournament in Tokyo to receive the prize money. ENTRY FEE: $50 per arm, to be paid out in each class for prize money. SPECIAL ROOM RATE: At the Sands Hotel Casino - $69 per room. Call 800 648-3553 and tell them you are an armwrestler. FOR MORE INFORMATION: 406 248-4508 or 406 245-1560 |
ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373 incorporated in any information retrieval system without written permission of the Publisher.