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XX WAF World

Minutes of the

Annual Congress Meeting

Tokyo, Japan

December 2, 1999

Marriott Hotel


Meeting was called to order and chaired by Mr. Fred Roy - Interim President of WAF

at 3:30 p.m.

  1. Attendance & Introductions

  2. Fred Roy - Interim WAF President                   Keith Koenig - Canada

    Willy Deneumostier -Secretary General           David Shead - Head Referee

    Kathy Defeche - Belgium                                  Kim Shoesmith - England

    Szilvszter Gyulai - Hungary                              Leanyialui Ierenc - Hungary

    Sandoz Szekezes - Hungary                               Denise Wattles - USA

    Leonard Harkless - North American Rep          Valeri Babuk - Belarus

    Igor Akhmedshin - Russia                                 Andrey Petrov - Russia

    Guo Qing Hong - China                                     Bill Frank - Germany

    Vookko Naskali - Finland                                 Harri Naskali - Finland

    Mitsuo Endo - Japan                                         Darrell Belyk - Canada (Observer)

    Lise Blanchard – Canada (recording sec.)        Neil Pickup - England

    REGRETS: Austria, Uganda, Korea, India, Pakistan & Morocco.

    Due to some interventions by Mr. Baran Das, India was denied Visas at the last minute. They would have attended with over 40 armwrestlers.

  3. Review of last years minutes in Thunder Bay, Canada

  4. Changes to be made as follows:

    Page 8 - Item (b) to read as follows: That any elbow lift at start of the match is a foul except for a Coincidental Foul it will be a re-start.

    Page 7 - Table dimensions: Thierry Melina was suppose to make a presentation but sends his apologies, he could not attend. It was

    decided to table this discussion for another 3 years, this would give Thierry time to make his presentation.

    MOTION: To approve last years minutes

    Motion by: Leonard Harkless

    Seconded by: David Shead

    All in favor: APPROVED Opposed 0 Abstain 0


  5. Affiliation of New Members

  6. We welcome China, Belarus & Hungary. We received letters from Morocco , India & Czechoslovakia asking that they be recognized.

    The representatives from Hungary explained that they would like communications opened with Milan Capla they feel that he is a very

    important man and should be involved in WAF. They where explained that WAF has been trying to communicate with him but that

    at the moment his choice is to follow Mr. Das. They were assured that WAF would continue their quest for unification and that

    communication was always open.

    Mr. Endo asks if we are truly trying to bring both WAFs together and join the World of Armwrestling therefor eliminating the split.

    Mr. Roy explained that an invitation was sent to both Mr. Das and Mr. O'Leary to come to Japan and talk to us about unification,

    they did not even reply.

    Mr. Akhmedshin says that we have had enough talk on this subject, we have many examples of what Mr. Das and Mr. O'Leary

    have done. The IMPORTANT thing is that we work together towards one unified organization.

  7. Annual Reports from Committee members

  8. Report from Mr. Fred Roy - Interim President of WAF

    Mr. Roy agrees with Mr. Endo that we need to work together. The armwrestlers are what makes the WAF not the delegates,

    we are only here to carry out their wishes. Mr. Das and Mr. O'Leary did not work as we do and that is what has caused the split,

    they have tried to put all sorts of stops to our goal of unification. Despite their efforts we are doing great and will continue to grow

    under the strong commitment of all present today.

    They have written a fax forbidding anybody from talking with Mr. Roy. If someone does talk to Mr. Roy they would be expelled

    from WAF, what kind of democracy is that.

    Fred expressed his happiness at seeing everyone in Japan and Thanked Mr. Endo for hosting this year’s event. A democratic

    vote was held to have the 1999 WAF Championships in Japan and we followed that democratic vote.

    Report from Mr. Willy Deneumostier - Interim Secretary General of WAF

    Willy's Report was read by Lise Blanchard at his request. A copy of his report is attached.


    Report from Mr. Igor Akhmedshin - European Continental Body

    He thanked everyone for attending the 20th WAF World Championship in Japan. He Thanked Willy for hosting the European

    Championships in Belgium last July, 250 competitors attended.

    If we continue to work together we will accomplish much success. We have made suggestions to the Constitution and have

    submitted them the Mr. Roy.

    In spite of the fact that the old WAF held what they called a World Championship in Russia, it was not supported by the Russian

    Government. Mr. Akhmedshin has supporting papers from his Government stating that the Russian Armsport Federation with Mr.

    Akhmedshin as President is the only armwrestling organization recognized by them.

    Belarus has bid for the 2000 European Championships and he is happy to have representatives from Hungary present today.

    He is looking forward to working with them.

    Report from Mr. Leonard Harkless - North American Continental Body

    Mr. Harkless explained that Mr. Devoto has not been feeling well and will be undergoing a small operation this week. We all

    wish him well. Mr. Devoto sends his greetings to all. We are working towards adding new countries to the North American

    Federation and we are in contact with Mexico.

    Mr. Akhmedshin suggest that we send Mr. Devoto an e-mail wishing him the best.

    E-mail him at ddevoto@sonic.net

    Report from Mr. Mitsuo Endo - Asian Continental Body

    He is very happy to announce that China is attending this year and that Korea will be on board next year. He is also looking

    forward to bringing others on board.

    Report from Mr. David Shead - Head Referee of WAF

    He would like to emphasize the importance of supporting our referees. In Canada last year some giant steps where made

    towards making the Referees quite unified. The refereeing at the Worlds in Canada was one of the bests and he congratulates

    Canada for their great work. We will be holding Seminars - across the World and we are looking for countries to Host these

    Events. He is extremely pleased with the cooperation between referees and he is looking forward to working with Mr. Harri Naskali..

    We must work towards establishing Junior, Senior and Master Levels of Referees.


    Everybody must know that Mr. Das and Mr. O'Leary have been putting a lot a pressure on the Ministry of Sports - We have faxes

    and letters from the following Federations documenting these facts. Norway, Brazil, Russia, India & Morocco

    Motion to accept all Reports as presented: Motion by: Keith Koenig - Canada

    Seconded: Kathy Defeche - Belgium

    All in favor: APPROVED OPPOSED: 0 ABSTAINED: 0


  9. The filling of new vacancies on the Executive Committee

  10. Mr. Roy asks if we should wait to communicate with the individuals who are not with us, or should we vote to replace them.

    Countries are very confused with all the letters and correspondence they have been receiving.

    Ms. Denise Wattles feels that we should try to work with these people.

    Mr. Neil Pickup feels that we need to be responsible and try not to turn the people who have worked toward getting the sport

    recognized in their country, we should try to get them back in our folds and work with them to see that we have one unified World Federation

    Mr. Keith Koenig - These countries show good leadership and we should work with them and not start playing the same game

    the old WAF has done with expulsions

    Mr. Endo agrees with everyone.

    Hungary would like us to document that the Hungarian Federation chooses to show their support to the WAF chaired by Mr. Roy.

    They also request that we send them a letter stating that we are the World Arm sport Federation. They feel that this is a democratic

    Federation and they are proud to be affiliated. They will also send a letter of recommendation to other countries stating their full

    support and urging them to do the same.

    Mr. Bill Frank - Germany - Many players do not know that this is happening, they go to the championships to pull. I hope with my

    heart that we can join as one.

    Mr. Leonard Harkless - Makes a motion to leave the doors open for these people to see that we will work with them. Let them

    make the decision to follow a democratic organization

    Seconded by: David Shead

    All in favor: APPROVED OPPOSED: 0 ABSTAINED: 0


  11. Discussion on next World Championships

  12. Motion that we accept Harri Naskali of Finland's proposal to host the 21st WAF Championship in November 2000.

    Motion by: David Shead Seconded: Kathy Defeche

    All in favor: APPROVED OPPOSED: 0 ABSTAINED: 0

    No other bids proposed

  13. Discussion of changes to Rules , Articles or By-Laws

  14. RULES: Change to read that the weigh-ins will be held no sooner than 24 hours before the first day of the competition.

    MOTION: Denise Wattles SECONDED: Keith Koenig

    All in favor: APPROVED OPPOSED: 0 ABSTAINED: 0

    CONSTITUTION: Mr. Roy has written a new Constitution, this was distributed to all Countries and some

    have returned changes they would like made. We will go through and discuss these changes. We will then vote on

    accepting the new Constitution as presented with the changes made.

    Changes suggested are as follows:

    1) Mr. Endo - says that he is very proud to be part of the World Arms wrestling Federation and asks that we return

    to the Arm wrestling word that so easily describes our sport. The word armsport could mean any sport that has to do with arms.

    Mr. Igor suggest that we should be careful, before we make this decision, it may well be the fact that we cannot use the word wrestling.

    Mr. Harkless informs everyone that Mr. Devoto holds the rights to title ARM WRESTLING

    MOTION: that we change the word Armsport back to Armwrestling.

    MOTION: Mr. Endo SECONDED: Neil Pickup



    All other changes to the Constitution have been agreed upon and the changes made.

    Motion to approve the new Constitution as presented with changes discussed.

    Motion by: David Shead Seconded: Vuokko Naskali

    All in favor: APPROVED Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0

  15. Discussion of Old Business - No old business to discuss

  16. Discussion of New Business

  17. a) International Tournament: Hungary would like to host an International Tournament in hopes

    of uniting all countries in the World. They will put a proposal together and present it to the WAF.

    b) BUDGET: b. Since we have not recieved the accounts from Mr. Das as requested and have

    to start a new account, it is difficult to establish a Proposed Budget.

    MOTION: That Mr. Roy and Mr. Deneumostier establish a budget for the year 2000 and prepare

    a proposed budget for the year 2001.

    Motion by: Denise Wattles Seconded by: Andrey Pretov

    All in favor: APPROVED Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0

    c) Registration Fees: A $20.00 per puller registration fee has always gone to WAF.

    MOTION: That we split the $20.00 Registration 50/50 between the host country and WAF starting

    in the year 2001.

    Motion by: David Shead Seconded by: Denise Wattles

    All in favor: APPROVED Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0

    MOTION: Effective year 2000 the Registration Fee will be changed from $20.00 per competitor to $30.00

    per competitor

    Motion by: Kathy Defeche Seconded by: Keith Koenig

    All in favor: 10 Opposed: 4 Abstained: 0

    Motion is carried


    d) Igor presented a letter from the European Continental Federation and asks that the General Congress

    approve the disciplinary actions taken by the EAF directed at the Georgian organization and the Bulgarian

    organization for an incident at the European Championships..

    MOTION: The General Congress accepts the disciplinary action taken by the EAF

    Motion by: Kathy Defeche Seconded by: Andrey Petrov

    All in favor: APPROVED Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0

  18.   Open discussion to the General Membership - none

  19.   Meeting adjournment at 7:30 p.m.

 Motion to adjourn by:  Leonard Harkless

Seconded by:  Keith Koenig


_____________________                                              _________________
Mr. Willy Deneumostier                                                    Mr. Fred Roy
Interim General Secretary                                                  Interim President

  D:  That a qualified by WAF standards referee does not have to have an affiliation with any Nationals



SECONDED BY: Leonard Harkless


ARTICLE 14 - Sub-sections: 10




ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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