Belgium Armwrestling Challenge 2000 Dear armwrestling championship competitor, The Belgium armwrestling federation is honoured to present and welcome you and your country to ROCHEFORT,BELGIUM, for the 10th editions of the International armwrestling championship Senior , Masters, Junior and disabled. Rochefort, better know as the land of the Beer "Trappistes" and so his international festival of laughing, is located in the south of Belgium at 120 kilometers from Brussels and Luxembourg. It is home to 12000 of the friendliest people you will ever meet. We encourage you to take part in what we promise to be the most spectacular International Armwrestling championships. The competition will be great and we hope that everyone that can possible attend, will attend. In order to assist you, this package has been compiled to make your travel arrangements as easy as possible. We look forward to hosting your country and his athletes in our beautiful and friendly city. Join us in ROCHEFORT, BELGIUM from July 28 through the 31th, 2000, for the best ever INTERNATIONAL championship. Yours in armwrestling, Deneumostier, WillyPresident of the Belgium armwrestlings federation. JULY 26, 2000 TEAMS ARRIVALS (Mercredi, Wednesday)
JULY 27, 2000 (Jeudi, Thursday) De 09 H à 21 H, - 09 a. m. to 09 p.m. -Weigh-in, Pesée -At the competition sports centre, Rochefort ( Jemelle ) 13 h 30 Cérémonie douverture, 01.30p.m. Opening ceremony 14 h; 02 p.m. COMPETITION
Mens Masters -75, +75 kg
Disabled CLASSES (né en, born in 82 et/and +) YOUNGSTERS MEN 65, -73, + 73 kg Youngsters Women58,-65,+65kg 20 h; 08 p.m. - FINALS Awards ceremonies after each final JULY 29,2000 De 09 H à midi, 09 a.m. to 12 -Weigh-in, Pesée (Samedi, Saturday) 02 p. m. - Competition start Mens Right -60, -65, -70, -75, -80, -85, -90, -100, +100 kg. Womens Right50,-55,-60,-70,+70 8 p. m. - FINALS Awards ceremonies after each final JULY 30,2000 (Dimanche, Sunday) TEAM DEPARTURES
ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373 incorporated in any information retrieval system without written permission of the Publisher.