Results Sea Bee Days and News Letter 

 It was a beautiful day in Southern California.  Clear blue skies, no clouds to be seen. A pleasant 75 degrees with a gentle ocean breeze made for a great Southern California day. The date was May 21, 2005 and we were at Seabee Days at Port Hueneme Naval Base Ventura County. What a great venue for an armwrestling event. This was the first time armwrestling was held at Seabee Days, so the turn out was light. With approximately 30 competitors and a little changing of weight divisions John was able to run a tournament. Here are the results for the first event held at Seabee Days:

Men’s Open Right-hand 0-154: 1st Chris Phillips, 2nd Johnny Burgeson, and 3rd Country Irving.

Men’s Open Right-hand 155-176: 1st Johnny Burgeson, 2nd Chris Phillips, and 3rd Charles Antonopulos.

Men’s Open Right-hand 176-190: 1st Kameron Maynard, 2nd John Burgeson, and 3rd James Snelling.

Men’s Open Right-hand 200+: 1st Ryan Pederson, 2nd Ed Shelton, and 3rd Steve Inzalaco.

Men’s Open Left-hand: 0-165: 1st Chris Phillips, 2nd Johnny Burgeson, and 3rd Country Irvine.

Men’s Open Left-hand: 1st Ed Shelton, 2nd Larry Rehfeld, and 3rd Randy Shelton.

With a small tournament like this we were able to try out our new computer bracketing system.  This was a very successful adventure and will be used again. There were a lot of spectators watching so next years event will be bigger.

Seabee Days had so much family fun to offer. It started with a military parade, led by a Marine Corp band, with 800 Seabee’s (women and men) marching onto the field, all in dress white uniforms. The parade ended with a jet fly over and a machinegun fire display.  There were carnival rides and carnival food. And yes, a beer garden too.  All types of military trucks and heavy equipment that you could climb on and into.  There were trucks with grenade launchers on them and little kids climbing all over the trucks just pretending they were shooting the gun. Saturday was the all day car show and Sunday brought in the motorcycle poker run and bike show. Live music and entertainment was provided on both days.  If you were lucky enough and early enough, you could sign up to tour one of the two ships, USS Ogden (LPD-5) an amphibious transport and USS Decatur (DDG-73) a guided missile AEGIS destroyer. A rare opportunity in today’s post 9/11 world. The USS Ogden carries amphibious assault vehicles and can accommodate six CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters with a crew of more than 1,300 Sailors and Marines. USS Decatur is capable of firing a mix of Standard, Tomahawk and ASROC missiles for strike warfare or anti-submarine warfare missions with a SH-60B Seahawk helicopter. The guided missile destroyer has a crew of 337 Sailors. All of this and admission and parking were free.  We would like to thank Chris Phillips for helping us get armwrestling involved in this venue and we look forward to next year’s event.


Joan Burgeson




ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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